Indiana Jones Wiki

Urgon was a high priest and sorcerer of the Babylonian religion in the time of King Nebuchadnezzar. Fleeing from Babylon to modern-day Kazakhstan in order to preserve one of the pieces of the Infernal Machine, Urgon was one of the four Disciples of Marduk and the first one known to modern scholars, discovered by Indiana Jones in 1947. Jones learned of his name from a single text he unearthed under the ruins of Babylon.


In 1947, beneath the ruins of Babylon, Indiana Jones assembled pieces of text that together which state that, inspired by the god Marduk, "Nebuchadnezzar... builded the great engine." It explains that the workers abandoned this project but "four trusted disciples" fled with the engine's parts across the globe and concludes "Wouldst thou tread the path of knowledge, look eastward. Urgon it is who flees to the Heavenly Mountains, where Shambala holds a mighty secret." Following this lead, Jones traveled to Shambala Sanctuary, near the modern Kazakhstan-China border in the snowy Tian Shan mountains, where he discovered evidence of Urgon's presence.

Seeking refuge at Shambala, a monastery dedicated to a religion Jones could not identify, Urgon magically created or summoned ice monsters to protect the sanctuary. Unburied skeletons found by Jones suggest that the creatures massacred many of the inhabiting monks, all for the safety of the dark secret that Shambala now held. Jones also came upon booby traps in Shambala, presumably also built at Urgon's command.

Furthermore, Jones found a large chamber carved in a mountain next to the monastery, where a massive ice monster, a larger incarnation of the smaller creatures, guarded Urgon's Machine part for centuries later. Jones discovered the Machine part on a pedestal in a study above the mountain cavern. Oddly, the study also contained modern-looking conical laboratory flasks made of glass, weighing scales, and bound books.[1] A recurring portrait appeared throughout the cavern, possibly a portrait of Urgon. A skeleton wearing a blue garment that Jones found sitting in the study was possibly the remains of Urgon himself.

At the sanctuary, a holy woman, released by Jones from a magic enchantment, revealed simply that "a man from the desert came to us long ago with the spinning idol. For centuries we have lived with his evil legacy." Later, she said more explicitly "Urgon dwelt with us in Shambala," insisting that Jones take the Machine part away and calling it "part of something terrible." This, along with the unburied skeletons, hint that Urgon installed himself as a violent authority figure at Shambala Sanctuary.

Behind the scenes[]


A portrait appears throughout Shambala's inner sanctum and study, possibly an image of Urgon himself.[1]



Notes and references[]
